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Master Book on Sensors

Part A + Part B

Master Book on Sensors - Part A + Part B
obj. číslo350007
vydal / výrobceBEN - technická literatura
rozsah / vazba1020 pages A4 (2 parts) / brožovaná V2
prodáváme od 7.1.2008
ISBN / EAN80-7300-129-2
v kamenném obchodě
999 Kč
Internetová cena
pro zaslání poštou
999 Kč

Aktualizováno 13.12.2013


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This book is a final product of Leonardo pilot project "Modular Courses on Modern Sensors" (CZ/PP-134026).

The first (previous) version of the “Master Modules” was created by project partners in 2001 and served as a source material for production of the national educational texts in 8 languages. All modules were reviewed by independent experts and evaluated by the whole partnership.

Second version of “Master Modules” was created in early 2003. It contains large revisions and improvements. This book represents a final version of Master texts.

The field of sensors is extremely wide and one book can never cover it completely. The editors and module authors would appreciate any feedback from the readers.

Pavel Ripka and Alois Tipek, editors.

Historie vydání

  • 1. vydání - leden 2008 - 80-7300-129-2
  • 1. vydání - připravujeme (elektronická kniha ve formátu PDF)


    Part A
  1. Pressure sensors
  2. Optical sensors
  3. Flow sensors
  4. Sensor buses, intelligent sensors
  5. Accelerometers and inclinometers
    Part B
  1. Chemical sensors and biosensors
  2. Level, position and distance sensors
  3. Temperature sensors
  4. Solid-state gyroscopes and navigation
  5. Magnetic sensors
  6. New technologies and materials


Reviews of lecturers and responds of readers

  • No at this moment



  • General characteristics
    Sensors, Modular Courses
  • Contents
    Pressure sensors, Optical sensors, Flow sensors, Sensor buses, intelligent sensors, Accelerometers and inclinometers, Chemical sensors and biosensors, Level, position and distance sensors, Temperature sensors, Solid-state gyroscopes and navigation, Magnetic sensors, New technologies and materials.

URL adresa

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Měřicí háčky

různé barvy a velikosti

Levné bastldesky

5×7, 7×9, 9×15 cm

Měřicí jehly

průměr 1 mm

Tlačítková klávesnice

100 Kč


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