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Mathematical Analysis of Electrical Networks

Mathematical Analysis of Electrical Networks
 (Haller Rainer, Kolcun Michal, Mühlbacher Jan)
obj. číslo350003
autor Haller Rainer, Kolcun Michal, Mühlbacher Jan
vydal / výrobceBEN - technická literatura
rozsah / vazba128 stran B5 / vázaná V8
prodáváme od 30.4.2004
ISBN / EAN80-7300-098-9
v kamenném obchodě
562 Kč
Internetová cena
pro zaslání poštou
500 Kč

Aktualizováno  10.6.2009


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The publication is concentrated on the basic methods of the mathematics power networks computations. First, the basic information about the possibilities of the model computation are given. As the basic method of the electric power networks steady states computation is Gauss-Seidl method described, and then the power losses computations are solved. Next, the principle of the power network operation and computation with short-circuit occurrence is solved. The influence of the sort circuit current on the power equipment is assumed as well.

Kniha je vydána v anglickém jazyce.

Stručný obsah

  1. Steady state in the power system
  2. Short-Circuit-Strength of Operating Electrical Equipment
  3. Literature and References


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Keywords: Electric power network, model computations of the power network, power network steady states, short circuit influence on power network.

  • obecná charakteristika
  • obsah knihy
  • rejstřík knihy
    rejstříková slova
  • integrované obvody
    označení integrovaného obvodu

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